Monk Seal Blame Game

Posted by Lauren Muneoka at Jun 22, 2011 03:20 PM |
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It's not people, it's the seals, depleting our fisheries, claims WESPAC.

It's not people, it's the seals, depleting our fisheries, claims WESPAC.  WESPAC is a federally-funded advisory council made up of commercial fishing interests in the Pacific.  And it is suddenly "worried" about critical habitat for monk seals because "proposed critical habitat in the main Hawaiian Islands would have negative effects, such as depleting fishing stock."

Silly us. It is not (as we had previously thought!) land-based pollution, over-development, or over-fishing depleting our fisheries.  Clearly, it's monk seals who are to blame for our depleted fisheries in post-contact Hawai'i. Those greedy, greedy monk seals.


Let's make sure we put responsibility (and kuleana!) for the state of our ocean where it really belongs.

Mahalo to Chad Podoski via Flickr for the pic!
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